
We are holding in our thoughts and prayers: Alice, Edna S,
Geraldine F, Catherine, Jean K, and Philip C.

If you would like to be included on the Prayer List, please let Mark, Sarah or Sue know..

Lord of all power and might, The author and giver of all good things: Graft in our hearts the love of your name, Increase in us true religion, Nourish us with all goodness, And of your great mercy keep us in the same: Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord
Who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

Anniversaries for July

(if you would like your loved one’s anniversary to be included here, please contact the above.)

Grant unto them eternal rest; and let perpetual light shine upon them.

Your PCCs
Both parishes have now held their Annual Meetings, so here is the updated list of members.

                                        St Decuman’s                                                                    St Peter’s

Vicar                               Revd Mark Phillips                                                           Revd Mark Phillips
Reader                           Donna Marsden                                                               Donna Marsden
Reader                           Clare Phillips                                                                     Clare Phillips
Churchwardens          Janet Bremner                                                                  Sue Withycombe
Deanery Synod reps  Margaret Tatham   Ros Whellams                                 Clare Phillips           Sue Withycombe
Elected members:
Secretary                      Andrew Tatham                                                                Elizabeth Payne
Treasurer                     Glenys Knight                                                                    Peter Payne
                                        Tracey Gullis   Tony Knight                                             Tracey Copp   Margaret Gliddon
                                        Sarah Lander   Jim Powers                                              Elizabeth Grinstead    Sara Hempshall
                                        Chris Wade   Cynthia Webb                                            Ann Smith
                                        John Whellams

Please continue to send items for the news sheet to both of us:
Sarah Lander:       Sue Withycombe:

Both Churches will usually be open during daylight hours.

God is addressed, in today's Collect, as "the author and giver of all good things".  This reminds us that the world exists, not because of mere chance, but because God planned it in the beginning.   We gather together here to celebrate  the gifts of creation and redemption, asking God to "graft in our hearts the love of you name".

The Benefice of Watchet and Williton
Sunday 14 July 2024


The Seventh Sunday after TRINITY 

Prayers for the Benefice

Each week we join our Baptist friends in praying for a local road or street

Brendon Road in Watchet

​Bridge Park in Williton

Pray for God’s blessing on those who live there.

Prayers for Areas of Conflict

We pray for all areas of conflict, that those

in power may strive for peace and reconciliation

Happy Birthday Suzie !

Sunday 14th July

With love from everyone at St Decuman's

Next Sunday – 21st July

St Peter’s Williton              9.15am      Holy communion
St Decuman's Watchet     10:45am    Holy Communion

​​​​​Today’s Worship and Readings

9.15am                Holy Communion. St Peter’s Williton
10.45 am             Holy Communion. St Decuman’s Watchet
Ephesians 1:3-14     Mark 6:14-19

Quantock Deanery Prayer Diary - Every day of the month we pray for different people in our Deanery

Quantock Villages Benefice
14th             The people and parishes of Aisholt, Enmore, Goathurst, Holford with Dodington, Kilve with Kilton & Lilstock,
                     Nether Stowey, Over Stowey, Spaxton with Charlynch, Stringston; New Toddler Groups
15th             Eleanor King (Rector), Kate Sax (Associate Priest),
16th             Jeanette Bole, Viv Chesterton, Maggie Harrison, Alison Hoare, Sarah Upfield (Readers)
17th             Malcolm Bole, Dawn Brimson, Stephen Campbell, Pam Cuff, Peter Williams (Retired clergy)
18th             The staff and students of Enmore C of E Primary School, Nether Stowey C of E Primary School, Spaxton C of E Primary School

Watchet & Williton Benefice
19th             The people and parishes of Watchet and Williton; Little Saints parent & toddler groups and Camp Fire Church in Watchet and Williton
20th              Mark Phillips (Vicar); Andy Day (Methodist), Jane Sperring (Methodist), Mike Sherburn (Baptist), Sam Searle (Salvation Army),

                      Vincent Woods (Roman Catholic), Claire Horton (Diocesan Magnificat Parishes Adviser)


Please contact your churchwardens with enquiries about baptisms, weddings, funerals, etc. and any member of the Benefice team is happy to be contacted with general enquiries, requests for prayers, etc. 

Benefice Team:

Revd Mark Phillips              Vicar                                                                Tel: 01984-639669                        email:
George Fenech                       Churchwarden St Peter’s                             Tel: 01984-633577                         email:
Sue Withycombe                    Churchwarden St Peter’s                             Tel: 01984-632596                         email:
Janet Bremner                        Churchwarden St Decuman’s                      Tel: 01984-632118                        email:
Donna Marsden                     Reader & Mental Health First Aider           Tel: 01984-633707                        email:   

Clare Phillips                           Reader                                                            Tel: 01984-639669                        email:

Chris Wade                             Mental Health First Aider                             Tel: 07725-303051                        email:

Benefice Website:       

Report a concern at or call Safeguarding Manager, Ben Goodhind: 01749-588917

Our Benefice Safeguarding Officer: Tracey Gullis.   Telephone: 07361-811707

Dates for the week ahead:

Tuesday 16th July            9.30am             Little Saints. Williton
Wednesday 17th July     10.00am            Little Saints. Watchet

Wednesday 17th July      7.00pm             St Peter's PCC in The Meeting Room

Thursday 18th July    10.00-11.30am      CAMEO at St Peter’s
Friday 19th July                2.00pm             Guardians of the Well working party

Dates for your Diaries

Sunday 21st July             2.00- 4.00pm         Cream Teas at St Peter's

Saturday 27th July          2.00- 4.30pm         Tea and Cakes at Holy Cross

​Please note:there will be no Thursday morning prayer at Holy Cross until further notice